Emme Claire had a very fun Halloween this year! It was her 2nd Halloween and this year she was a cute little owl. She was 18 months and 1 week old at Halloween. She got to trick or treat Friday night the 29th at some relatives houses. My parents, cousin Lanie's house, Aunt Dean's house, MawMaw Ponder's house and then Brian's parents house. She racked up with age appropriate goodies! Goldfish, marshmallows, fruit gummies, Gerber baby treats, toys, etc. Then on Saturday the 30th she had a little boys birthday party to go to and then we had a Halloween trick or treating hay ride party to go to. It was Emme Claire's first hay ride and she had a blast! Then on Sunday the 31st we got up super early and went to Canton, TX to shop all day! Aunt Dean went with Brian, Emme Claire and I. We found a lot of great stuff! Hope you all had a great Halloween weekend too!
Halloween Goodies from Emme Claire's grandparents, Aunt Dean and Mommy & Daddy. :)

Checking out her loot!

Off to her first house... Nonnie's house!

My sweet little adorable owl!

This is where you put my treats!

Can't have Halloween without Elmo!!!

Off to Aunt Dean's house... knock knock... trick or treat!

Mmmm.... marshmallows! Emme Claire loves them!

A sing-a-ma-jig!

Back home going through her goodies from Mommy & Daddy.

She loves to wear sunglasses!!!
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