Emme Claire and her most favorite stuffed animal Tigger, which she calls Tig Tig. She loves him soooo much! He is her sleeping buddy. Has been for as long as I can remember. :)
By the way, those cute jammies say Official Hot Cocoa Tester. :)
Here is Emme Claire with her new Elmo Live Encore doll. It was supposed to be a Christmas present but EC's daddy gave it to her early. This child loves Elmo, says Elmo all the time. I let her watch Elmo videos on my laptop sometimes and so now she associates laptops with Elmo. :)
One night my parents came over and brought Emme Claire some new toys. One was a Toy Story lego set. It came with Jessie and her horse. We had a big laugh when EC tried to squat down on that tiny to ride him! LOL! She is silly!
Emme Claire loves lounging in her pink chair!
I love this big cheeky smile!!!
She was playing Pee Pie behind her little playhouse.
Where's Emme Claire???
I just love these dark purple owl jammies we found at Target!
Reaching for one of the fish above her bed and she actually grabbed it too. Gonna have to move it up some.
Daddy stuck one of our dogs, Brody, in the crib with her and he was trying to find a way out! haha!
Showing me her ear. She loves pointing out body parts.
Just playing with some Mickey and friends cards.
On this day her hair was extra curly! It was so pretty! Her hair has grown so much since her first birthday.
She likes dancing along with this tree we got from Cracker Barrel restaurant. It plays a Christmas song and dances. She likes it!
Decorating a little tree in Emme Claire's room for her to play with so that maybe she will not play with the family tree in the living room. :)
This was one Saturday night when we went out to eat with my parents and my younger brother. She was being silly playing with her Cheerios before dinner came.
After the Christmas Parade in Jonesboro Emme Claire was playing with the beads we caught. She loves jewelry and she had lots of fun putting on all these beads. :)
Riding her horse after we put all her beads on him.
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