This vacation was so much fun for all of us! Disney World definitely makes you feel like a kid again! Emme Claire had the best time meeting all her favorite characters plus lots of new ones she had never seen before. I think we got her picture taken with nearly every Disney character there is! Haha! She was in AWE of them! She would just stare at them and wouldn't want to look at me for pics. She loved all the princesses. I think mainly because they were so pretty and dressed up so fancy! She didn't want to take her eyes off them! There were only a few characters that she wasn't so sure about but she never cried or anything. If she was afraid of them she would just make me or Brian hold her while she met them. I will share some of the pics from our vacation on here over several posts. We took about 1500 photos so I won't be able to show you all of them, only a small portion of my favorites. We were gone for 6 nights so we saw and did a lot. I'm also going to do a few posts with tips for parents with small children and just tips in general from my experience with Disney World. I've only been once but I learned a lot of dos and don'ts during our trip. Plus I'll give a few reviews of some restaurants we ate at and our resort too. But for now I'll share a few pics.
Before I begin with the pics I'd like to Thank Michelle Davis of Vacation PlanIt for helping me plan and book this amazing vacation! She gave me lots of great info and booked our hotel, park tickets, made reservations and much more. She does this for free and she can help anyone no matter where you live. You can find her on Facebook at and she has a website too. Connect Michelle so she can help you get the best package and deal for your next vacation!
Emme Claire's first plane ride. She behaved so well and enjoyed her flight.

She got to eat snacks. Goldfish that I packed plus the pretzels the flight attendant gave her. She got her own Cran Apple juice too. And she got to watch a cartoon during the flight.

Emme's first character encounter was with Cinderella at Cinderella's Royal Table dinner. She loved Cinderella!!! Can you tell she was in AWE of her?!

Emme and Snow White

Emme and Ariel

Emme and Belle

Emme and her Daddy after dinner. Doesn't my little Rapunzel look pretty? :)

The Castle at night!
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