January has been pretty busy so far. But then every month in our life is busy!!! After New Year's we spent a couple of weeks at our house in The Woodlands and we just got back from there yesterday. Even though it can be tiresome having to drive back and forth from Louisiana to Texas I'm really glad we are able to do that. It feels like being on vacation when we go to that house. Well, it feels like vacation for me and Emme Claire not so sure about Brian since he is the one working out there. But anyway, maybe I'll start calling it the vacation house. :)
Back to January. I've been planning a vacation for many months now to........ DISNEY WORLD!!! :-) So excited! None of us (me, Brian and Emme Claire) have ever been and we can't wait to get there! I can not wait to see the look on Emme Claire's face and her reactions when she sees all her favorite Disney characters. I know I'm going to cry with happiness when I see the joy it brings her! We leave about a week from now, I'm counting down the day! I have been making some cute Mickey & Minnie inspired clothes for Emme Claire to wear while in the parks. I also got her a pretty Rapunzel dress from the Disney Store to wear when we eat dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table. I also got Emme lots of Minnie Mouse and other Disney character pajamas to sleep in on vacation too! lol Her Aunt Bridget gave her 2 sets of Minnie PJs and then I bought the rest. I'll take a pic of her each night in her Disney P.J.'s. :)
I've had a lot of help from a local lady that helps people plan and book their Disney vacations and she has been a life saver! But even with her help it's a lot of work and lots to think about. I think we finally got all the clothes we need for the trip. Now I need to make a trip to Wal-Mart to stop up on some things like ponchos, blister block, snacks etc. We are staying at the Grand Floridian which I hear is supposed to be the nicest resort in Disney World! Yippee! We are doing five character meals, so I'm sure between that and being in the parks Emme Claire will get to meet all her favorite characters at least once or twice. We decided to fly to FL because we don't think Emme Claire could handle that far of a drive (about 14 hours one way). This will be Emme's first time to fly. The flight isn't very long so I think she will be fine. She will have her own seat so maybe it will help cut down on the wiggles once we get her strapped down in the seatbelt. I will be sure to post lots of pics of the trip when we get back.
A Mickey Mouse dress I made. She will wear this with a white long sleeve shirt and black leggings underneath.

Minnie Mouse shirt and matching ruffle pants. Since the shirt is short sleeve she will either wear a long sleeve shirt under it or a coat over it. I made the pants and I sent the blank shirt and a piece of the fabric to a local lady who does monogramming and appliques and she fixed the cute top up for me. My machine does not do embroidery.

Minnie Mouse dress, shown here on my little model (pic taken at the end of Aug '10). She will wear those black leggings with it and a long sleeve shirt underneath.

Here is a view of the dress not on the model. :)

Also in January I found and booked the venue for Emme Claire's 2nd Birthday Party! It will be in Ruston, LA on April 23rd (her actual birthday). So glad to have that part taken care of. I also decided on the theme. FANCY NANCY!!! It's such a perfect theme for my little posh tot! She loves everything girly, sparkly and shiny! So we will have a Fancy Emme celebration like no other!!! I've already bought tons of party favors for the guests, I can't wait to share those with you all. The girls and boys will be greeted with a makeover turning them into Fancy Girls and Dapper Boys! This will be the most pink and purple lavishly fou fou decorated party you have ever seen! I can't wait to put it all together! It will be a most 'exquisite soiree', as Nancy herself would say. :) Stay tuned for pics of this party later on. And the cake is sure to be fabulous!!!
I haven't even had time to think about an Easter dress for Emme Claire yet and Easter Sunday is the day after Emme's birthday. I need to get on that as soon as we get back from Disney.
Also been thinking about where to take Emme Claire on our 3rd annual family beach vacation. When she was a little over 2 months old we went to Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, AL. Then when she was almost 14 months old we went to the Isle of Palms and Charleston, SC. So this year I'd like to stick with tradition and go to another new beach location but we haven't decided which one. All I know is we need to go after Emme's birthday party is over and before the summer heat gets too bad. I'm thinking we'll have to go in May and maybe during my birthday week would be a great time for it! :) We usually do go on a little trip for my birthday every year so this will work out perfectly!
I hope every one is having a fantastic new year so far!