Sorry again for the delay between posts. Been a busy spring and now summer. I'm hoping to find time to get caught up soon.
I've already posted pics of the venue, the cake, the cookies, the food, the drinks. Now I'm going to post pics of the party favor table, the girl and boy dress up tables, the craft table and some of the decorations.
The party favor table. The bags contained a fruity chapstick, a strawberry flavored rock candy on a stick and I had girl and boy appropriate tattoos on the table for them to put in the bag themselves. I think that was all that was in the bags, it's been a while now since I filled them. The main favors are all the dress up stuff that you will see in some pics below. The kids were able to dress up and then take home with them whatever accessories they wanted! So much fun!!! They could use these favor bags to put some of their dress up stuff in.

The gift table. It was decorated too but I forgot to take a pic of it before the guests arrived and so now you really can't see any of the stuff I had on it. There was a Fancy Nancy book, a sign that says Merci Beaucoup!, some beads and a stuffed Nancy and Frenchy.

Posh Belles! The girls dress up table! I made the backdrops that are on the back of this table and the boys table.

The pink and purple feather boas and the tutus in many different colors. The little girls could pick out their favorite tutu and boa and then they could wear them home.

The girls table had lots of different choices of rings, bracelets, necklaces, wands, earrings, tiaras, head boppers and sunglasses. The girls had so much fun dressing up! It was really cute to see them in all the fancy accessories.

Dapper Beaus! The boys dress up table. It was a little trickier for me to find a lot of things for the boys table. They had black top hats, fake mustaches, funny nose glasses, sunglasses, necklaces, bracelets, rings and magic wands.

I already had this large wrought iron dress form so I decided to use it as part of the decor. The room was really big and so it needed some big decorations. I love how this looked.

I had a Craft Table set up with ribbons, foam sheets and foam hearts, a hole punch and tons of different shapes and letters foam stickers. The kids (with help from their parents) made cute signs.

There were 8 tables down the middle of the room for our guests to sit at. They had pink or purple tableclothes on them. In the center of each table was a small bright colored flower arrangement with a feather and a butterfly in it. And a Fancy Nancy hard back book on a stand.

Emme Claire's chair with lots of balloons. There were lots of balloons everywhere. I love balloons!!! We rented a large helium tank and blew up over 100 balloons. That is time consuming!!

Another view of the favor bag table.

The cups we had at the party were special made saying Emme's 2nd Birthday in purple ink with purple polka dots. I ordered pink and white striped paper straws (love those!) and these cute little straw flags for writing your name on. That way you don't lose your cup. :)

The next party post will have pics of Emme Claire having a blast and pics of the guests enjoying the Fancy Nancy party!