I can't remember the name of this ride but it was cool because it took you (slowly) up to the top of the tower and you could see all around the park and San Diego. It also slowly turned as it went up and down so you could see in every direction.
Emme Claire dressed for the occasion. :) Shortly after this photo was taken she spotted the Sesame Street area and she literally squealed with delight! Then she started yelling ELMO, ELMO, ELMO!!! It made me so happy to see her so happy.
Time for the Elmo ride!
She LOVED this ride so much!

Riding the Abby Cadabby ride! It was fun too!
Emme Claire hugging Zoe!
Emme Claire hugging Elmo! (This was not the first time she had ever gotten to meet Elmo but she was super excited about it!)
Waving goodbye! She was blowing them kisses too. :)
Later in the day we went back for another meet the character time and we were the first ones in line. So Emme Claire was lucky enough to have Elmo come to the front of the line and take her by the hand and walk her up to the stage where the characters sit and take the pics with the kids. She was grinning from ear to ear!
Zoe also came and took her hand.
This was one very happy 2 year old!!!
I will spare you all the fish, turtle, dolphin, shark, whale and sea lion pics. Next post will be about Los Angeles and DisneyLand!!!