We took Emme Claire for her 6 month check up yesterday and the doctor said everything looked good. She isn't having any problems and thank goodness she isn't sick and hasn't been sick at all yet! Knock on wood! We hope we can make it through the flu season with none of us getting sick. The doctor did say that now that she is 6 months old she recommends we get her the flu shot (the regular flu shot) so we plan to do that next week. And Brian and I also need to get the regular flu shot as well.
My baby girl weighed 16 lbs which is in the 50th percentile so that is average. And she is 27 inches long which is in the 90th percentile which means she is very long! My girl is gonna be TALL!!! =)
After the doctor appt. EC and I went to visit Aunt Dean and we brought her some of EC's pumpkin patch pics. Karie Potts did the pumpkin patch pics for us and they turned out so cute! I snapped a few pics of EC playing on a mat at Aunt Dean's house yesterday.
I wanted to post this picture of my little brother when he was less than a year old (I'd have to ask my mom exactly how old he was in this pic). I think Emme Claire favors him a lot, especially in this picture.

Here are some pics of me as a baby.
I'm 6 months in this pic. And boy look at all my hair! You can tell that my mom has already had to trim my bangs cause they are too perfectly even.

I'm 10 months in this pic. Emme Claire's hair better hurry up if it's gonna catch up to how long mine was.

I'm 10 months in this pic. I've even got pig tails in this pic. I can't wait to put pig tails in EC's hair!
That is my Uncle Bill holding me. I sure do miss him!!