I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patty's Day and didn't get pinched too hard!
Here are some pics of my lucky little rainbow in her Ta Da Creations t-shirt. Isn't it sweet?! It's a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end and a little shamrock. They also sent me an extra red heart button so that I can remove the shamrock button and replace it with the heart and that way she can keep wearing this shirt and it won't be so holiday specific. Wasn't that nice of them?! :)
These pics were taken about a week ago in Monroe, LA at Biedenharn. They have beautiful gardens, a lovely old home, Coca Cola museum and Bible museum too. If you have never been there then you must go there soon, spring is the best time to go in my opinion.
I used to take my Mamaw Bibber there and we would slowly walk the grounds and admire all the beautiful flowers and sip on a 5 cent Coca Cola. Oh yes, they have a really old Coke machine that you can get a cold glass bottle Coke out of to drink while you are there. I'm so glad I have those special memories of my Mamaw and I going there together. I know she is smiling down on my sweet little Emme Claire. :)

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