She is such a happy baby, always smiling! This morning I was laying in bed with her. I had her leaned up against her Boppy and I was stroking her hair and I could have just eaten her up! I am so in love with this baby!!! She couldn't be more perfect! Our routine now is that when she wakes up in the morning I of course change her diaper first and then I give her a bottle and then we lay in bed and watch Sesame Street (I record it so it doesn't matter what time it is I can always turn it on) and then sometime during Sesame Street she falls back asleep for her morning nap. I usually try to take that nap with her.
Her hair has grown so much. She never lost any like most people say babies do. Hers has only gotten longer and thicker. And now there are bits of it that curl out. It is so cute! And her eyes are still very blue and beautiful!
This week her new favorite toy are these plastic links that you put together in a string. I'll have to get a pic of her playing with them to post on here. She loves to shake the links and stick them in her mouth.
She is still eating her cereal with apple juice everyday and she loves it. She eats it all up. Well, the parts that don't end up on her face and hands anyway. We need to start her on the green baby foods soon but we are leaving town Tuesday morning to go to Houston so I'm not sure if we'll get to start her on something new right now. We might have to wait until we get back.
She is still growing so fast. The 6 month size footed pajamas that I bought her just a week or so ago are already getting a little short on her. They would fit fine if they didn't have the feet built in. Brian wants to cut the feet out of them and I told him No Way!
Here are a couple of pics that I took of her a few days ago on the couch. Brian was laying on the couch with her and so he took the cushions off and while they were playing she fell asleep like this. I thought she looked so sweet sleeping sitting up in the corner like that.
Brian said I was putting too many tutu pics on EC's blog so I created a new blog that is just for my little business. If you go to my profile on here you can click on it or you can go straight to it by typing this in your web browser.
Hopefully I can get the tutu posts moved from this blog over to my new blog. If that is possible.
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